We are a friendly, growing Christian Church based in Watton, Norfolk. We meet alternate Sundays and during the week to worship Jesus and enjoy fellowship together.

Sunday church meetings at Watton Youth and Community centre take place every week at 10:30am with children’s ministry
Midweek meetings – please ask for details

Ask for information about the next Course Alpha.org
Contact Us
Speak to Harry at Mob. 07999564055
Find Us

Sunday church meetings at Watton Youth & Community Centre
37 Harvey St, Watton, Thetford IP25 6EB.
About Us
We are part of the Relational Mission Family of churches
Vision & Values
All Nations Church wants to share the Good News about Jesus Christ with all the people of Watton and Wayland in the power of the Spirit. We are committed to making disciples from the nations who live among us and send disciple-makers to the nations.
We Love God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and we love God’s worldwide family, the church.
We are amazed at God’s glorious grace, it motivates us to worship passionately, pray expectantly, trust God’s word confidently, and walk by the Spirit.
Whatever your age and background, you are welcome to come on the journey with us.
The church started to gather as a small online prayer group during the Covid-19 pandemic as a part of Relational Mission’s 20/20 mission initiative in Norfolk and North Suffolk.
Once we were able to start meeting we started off with some Summer outdoor eating! Soon we were gathering monthly at the Youth and Community Centre. Weekly midweek home meetings and fortnightly Sunday afternoon and Alpha Courses are our new pattern as well as getting stuck in with various local events and festival whenever we can.
Harry Grigg and Danny Johnson